Electric Fireplace- The Best Electric Fireplace Units in Kenya
Electric Fireplace

The Best Electric Fireplace Units in Kenya

The Best Electric Fireplace Units in Kenya

Traditional fireplaces that use wood to generate heat are not ideal for urban residential areas. Many people live in high-rise apartments in urban centres which makes it impractical to have a firewood fireplace. However this should not prevent you from owning one because you can install an electric fireplace unit. Styleloft is a leading supplier and installer of the best electric fireplace units in Kenya.

What is an electric fireplace and how does it operate?

An electric fireplace serves the same purpose as the traditional fireplace unit that uses wood, charcoal or coal. However instead of using these non-renewable resources, it uses electricity to produce heat. It therefore makes it very ideal for a modern house in a high-rise urban apartment.

Electric Fireplace Installation Services in KenyaAdvantages of electric fireplaces

  • Safe to use

An electric fireplace is very safe to use because it uses mains electricity which has been proven to be safe over time. You just plug it into the wall socket like any other house appliance and you have your fireplace operating.

In additional to this, the electric fireplace does not produce smoke or carbon monoxide which can lead to suffocation or death when inhaled. This means even if one falls asleep when warming themselves they don’t have to worry about their safety or that of the house.

  • Easy to install

The unit is really simple to install. Since it comes already as a complete unit from the manufacturer all you need is to create space for it and just place it there. You only need to ensure there is access to mains power. Since it uses normal voltage power installed in your house no need to install high voltage electricity like 3 phase.

  • Mobile/portable

The unit is very portable and can be moved from one place to another with ease. This enables you to carry it outside the house to use is in your compound if you want to. Therefore those family get together evenings can be held on your rooftop without worrying about the cold.

  • Helps conserve the environment

Since the unit uses electric power, means you contribute in environmental conservation efforts. No need to cut down wood or burn charcoal. This helps you play your part in reducing carbon emission and global warming.

  • Saves space

As alluded earlier, the unit is portable. This helps save space because you just need a small space for the unit. No need to construct a special place for it which also helps save on cost.

  • Cheaper to operate

The best electric fireplace units in Kenya like the ones we sell are very cheap to operate. First you save on the cost of going to look for firewood/charcoal and transporting it.

Secondly the units have low power consumption. This helps you save on overall power cost of your household.

  • Does not waste power

Unlike wood or charcoal fireplace, there’s no wastage of resources here. With the traditional fireplace, there is always some left overs that get wasted. However the electric fireplace does not waste power because you can switch it off immediately you stop using it.

  • Does not produce waste

A traditional fireplace produces ash. This is not so with an electric fireplace which ensures your house is clean and tidy and no need to keep scooping away ashes produced when wood or charcoal is burnt.


Why buy an electric fireplace from us

If you are considering to install an electric fireplace, you have come to the right place. As said earlier we are dealers in the best electric fireplace units in Kenya. Our units come with warranty which should give you peace of mind that it will serve you without hitches.

Our units also have a good power saving rating. This ensures that your monthly electric bills are not high.

Order the best electric fireplace units in Kenya from usElectric Fireplace- The Best Electric Fireplace Units in Kenya

If you really need an electric fireplace, get in touch with us today to make your order. We have different varieties you can choose from. They vary in size and also power consumption. The bigger it is the more power it consumes.

The size suitable for you is determined by the space available for installing it in your house. Therefore make sure you get the measurements right before ordering one so that you can have one that really fits your space.


For the best electric fireplace units in Kenya Styleloft is your best source.


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